Monday, May 23, 2011

THE home town

Hello all.

This blog is to expand on the deranged shenanigans of a certain hippie mecca in Northern California. Sebastopol, somewhere between Santa Rosa and the Pacific Ocean, is the home of washed-up hippies who maintain their lavish lifestyle by growing premium marijuana or producing music events and festivals. There is an almost shocking lack of cultural diversity, errrybody is white and subscribes to faux exotic religious practices. The downtown area is filled with a lovely mix of filthy vagabonds, Sebasta-Moms*, stereotypical teenagers of every breed, "businessmen", musicians and poets (yes, multiple poets), JC students and the out-of-townies. (I should also mention that many of the people fit into many categories).
It's really the people that add the rich flavor that makes Sebastopol into the magical place that it is. As a citizen of this slightly unbalanced hamlet, I end up feeling either "Oh my f**king God, is this really my life?", or a bizarre sense of pride: "Yes, this is where I get to live!"
It is truly an amazing place to be.

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